Lubbock Estudiante Arma Abogado de Defensa

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Colleges and universities take weapons violations seriously because there are a lot of people in close proximity on campuses. Over the years, there have been many incidents of violence such as the Clock Tower at Texas or the Virginia Tech Massacre. This has made many campus administrators wary of weapons on campus because they are nervous that similar incidents could occur. As such, weapons on campus are one of the fastest ways to be suspended and expelled from the universities.

If you have been charged with carrying a weapon illegally on campus, contact a Lubbock student weapon defense attorney to begin building a case today.

Determining Campus Guidelines

A college campus can add items to its illegal weapons list that are not considered illegal in the state or jurisdiction’s criminal code. For example, a certain type of gun might not necessarily be illegal in the State of Texas. But are not allowed on the Texas Tech campus or at campus functions.

  • On the campus website
  • In the student code of conduct handbook
  • Directly from the administration

When a student comes to Texas Tech, for example, there is a student code of conduct and that gives the students the definitions of what firearms are considered acceptable and what is illegal.

New Legislation

According to new legislation, each public campus is subject to a law that allows a student with a concealed handgun license to carry that weapon on campus. As such, each university is now required to make rules and guidelines as to where those weapons are and are not allowed.

These rules vary from university to university. Even if a student is allowed to carry their concealed weapon in certain places on campus. When they are intoxicated, they are not allowed to carry a gun. A student with a concealed handgun license who is legally carrying it at an event or in a dorm. Is not be allowed to carry when they are intoxicated or have been drinking.

Building a Defense

A Lubbock student weapons defense attorney can help a student fight on-campus gun charges by examining the many issues of the charge and laws. Questions that your student weapons defense attorney in Lubbock will likely ask will include:

  • Did the student mean to bring a weapon on campus?
  • Did the student know they had a weapon?
  • Was the student in possession of the weapon?

Additional questions can be asked about the weapon itself, for example:

  • Was the weapon a knife?
  • Was it used as a weapon?
  • Is it used for hunting and not necessarily protection?

Sometimes, especially at Texas Tech, there are hunting issues that can accidentally lead to these charges. For example, there have been cases where a student came back from dove hunting. Did not realize they still had their shotgun underneath the seat of the truck until after they came on the Lubbock campus.

With this new law, there are issues coming up like the legality of having the gun in a certain part of the university. The person forgot they had it when they went in there. That is the challenge from the defense standpoint, but our Lubbock student weapons defense lawyers are up to the task.

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