Texas Felony Lawyers

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Secretos del sistema de justicia penal de Texas y sus derechos

Facing felony charges in Texas is a grave matter, carrying the potential for substantial fines, lengthy probation periods, community service, or years in prison time. How you respond to these charges and the legal defense you mount can have a lasting impact on your life. If you are facing a felony in Texas, securing the services of our experienced criminal defense lawyers is paramount.

Texas Criminal Defense Group: Your Texas Felony Attorneys

At Texas Criminal Defense Group, our criminal defense lawyers serve clients across Texas. Firm founder Stephen Hamilton is board-certified in criminal law by the Texas Board of Legal Specialization. His leadership and our breadth of experience ensure a high level of expertise in handling a felony conviction.

Types of Felony Charges We Handle

Our criminal defense team is well-equipped to handle a range of felony cases, including but not limited to:

  • Asalto
  • Homicidio involuntario
  • Arson
  • Burglary
  • Robo
  • Drug crimes
  • Aggravated robbery
  • Controlled substances
  • Other felony charges

Protecting Your Record and Future

Convictions for criminal offenses can have profound consequences. It can impact employment opportunities, professional licenses, child custody battles, firearm ownership, voting rights, and various life goals. Our goal is to safeguard your record and future by mounting a robust defense against felony charges.

Consult with Texas Criminal Defense Group Today

We are a team of highly skilled and experienced lawyers at your disposal. Our goal is always to get your domestic violence case dismissed, and we use our large docket and experience to your advantage in that regard.

En Texas Criminal Defense Group, el costo del juicio siempre está incluido en nuestros honorarios en caso de que sea una ruta ventajosa para su caso, y nuestra dedicación a la búsqueda de la Justicia se muestra en más de 500 comentarios de 5 estrellas de nuestros cientos de clientes satisfechos.

With offices conveniently located throughout Texas, our law firm ensures accessibility for individuals facing domestic violence charges across the state.

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