Midland Unauthorized Use of a Motor Vehicle Lawyer

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While receiving charges of auto theft can be a daunting situation. Know that you do not have to face them alone. A professional Midland unauthorized use of a motor vehicle lawyer can assist those facing an accusation by gathering evidence. Interviewing key witnesses, and providing aggressive legal representation in court. Read on to learn more about how a abogado defensor experto can offer you their assistance today.

Defining Unauthorized Use of a Motor Vehicle

While colloquially known as carjacking, the unauthorized use of a motor vehicle constitutes someone intentionally. Or knowingly operating someone else’s vehicle without their consent. This is considered a state jail felony with penalties that can range from six months to two years in prison with probation ranging from six months to five years. The fine for a conviction could potentially max out at $10,000 in a worst-case scenario. This act could also lead to an actual theft charge if the state can prove that someone intended to permanently deprive the owner of their vehicle. An individual accused of theft, depending upon the value of the vehicle taken. Can be charged with a First Degree Felony, and could be facing life in prison.

Creating a Defense

Ultimately, the job of a qualified Midland unauthorized use of a motor vehicle lawyer is to prove whether or not the vehicle was actually taken without the owner’s consent. It may have potentially been taken by someone else. Gathering witness statements and video evidence is very important to this process. Outside professionals may also be used in this process during specific cases to help place value on any alleged stolen property.

An experienced defense attorney may have the defendant obtain reference letters and other documents of that nature that could help when arguing about appropriate punishment with the prosecution. A local Midland unauthorized use of a motor vehicle lawyer will know the legal options available in that county in regards to what a judge usually sentences someone. And what a prosecutor could potentially reduce it to in a mitigation agreement.

Arraignment Proceedings

A professional Midland unauthorized use of a motor vehicle lawyer could potentially waive one’s arraignment so that they do not have to actually appear in front of a judge and the public at all. Or the attorney can be there with the defendant for the actual arraignment while a judge advises the defendant of their rights to enter a plea of guilt or innocence.

Contacting a Midland Unauthorized Use of a Motor Vehicle Lawyer

After calling an experienced Midland unauthorized use of a motor vehicle lawyer, one can expect the attorney to meet with them and obtain their side of the story, and then attempt to prove that story. An individual charged with carjacking needs somebody on their side as an advocate to try to build a defense for them. A weathered Midland unauthorized use of a motor vehicle lawyer can start gathering evidence right away to prepare for an individual’s defense while acting as an aggressive advocate on their behalf. If you have been accused of carjacking in Midland, do not hesitate to contact a seasoned Midland unauthorized use of a motor vehicle lawyer as soon as possible to schedule your initial consultation today.