San Antonio Abogado de Violencia Domestica

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Secretos del sistema de justicia penal de Texas y sus derechos

What often starts as a minor miscommunication or argument can quickly develop into a dispute resulting in criminal charges. If you have been charged with an offense stemming from a domestic violence incident. A San Antonio domestic violence lawyer may be able to assist you.

A domestic violence conviction can have serious implications that go beyond the criminal justice system. These consequences can include the loss of your right to possess firearms. Changes to your current custody or visitation orders. And the implementation of a protective order against you. A dedicated defense lawyer could work toward minimizing the potential impact of those charges on your life.

Cargos por violencia doméstica en San Antonio

Pursuant to Tex. Pen. Code § 22.01, assault occurs when someone intentionally or recklessly causes bodily injury to another. However, this offense also occurs when a person has reasonably offensive or provocative physical. Contact with another or threatens another with imminent bodily harm.

Assault becomes a domestic or family violence offense when it involves certain family or household members defined by law. Eligible family members under Tex. Pen. Code § 71.003 include all those who are related, whether by blood, adoption, or marriage. Family members also include individuals who share a child whether they are married, separated, divorced, and regardless of whether they ever resided together. Finally, household members include anyone who lives together in the same home, no matter the nature of their relationship, as well as anyone who has ever lived together under Tex. Pen. Code § 71.006.

¿Cuáles son las posibles sanciones?

Las ofensas de asalto, incluyendo aquellas contra la familia, pueden ser acusadas como diferentes niveles de delitos menores o mayores, dependiendo de la situación. Si el asalto causa lesiones corporales a otros, es un delito menor de clase A, pero si sólo implica la amenaza de daño o contacto ofensivo, es un delito menor de clase C. Sin embargo, ciertos factores agravantes pueden aumentar los cargos a una clase A o B de delitos menores. Sin embargo, ciertos factores agravantes pueden aumentar el cargo a un delito menor de clase A o B. Las penas potenciales para estos delitos menores son las siguientes:

  • Un delito menor de clase A puede acarrear hasta un año de cárcel y una multa de 4.000 dólares.
  • El delito menor de clase B puede acarrear hasta 180 días de cárcel y una multa de 2.000 $.
  • Delito menor de clase C puede resultar en una multa de hasta $ 500

Sin embargo, hay varias circunstancias agravantes que pueden elevar un cargo a un delito grave, como el uso o la exhibición de un arma mortal durante un asalto. Una de estas circunstancias agravantes se refiere específicamente a la agresión doméstica. Si alguien es acusado de cometer un asalto contra un miembro de la familia o del hogar y tienen una condena previa por asalto de violencia doméstica, el cargo aumenta a un delito grave de tercer grado.

Similarly, Tex. Pen. Code § 25.11 establishes a separate offense of continuous violence against the family, which occurs when a person allegedly commits two or more assaults against family or household members within one year. This offense also is a third-degree felony, which can result in a two to ten-year prison sentence and a $10,000 fine. As the penalties for a felony domestic assault conviction can be quite serious, those facing these charges should strongly consider consulting a San Antonio domestic violence attorney for advice.

Póngase en contacto con un abogado de violencia doméstica en San Antonio para obtener asesoramiento

A domestic assault conviction can have devastating effects on your life, both in terms of criminal penalties and collateral consequences. These damaging repercussions can cause the loss of your civil rights, increased difficulties finding a job, and an inability to pursue certain careers. In this situation, a San Antonio domestic violence lawyer may be able to provide you with the help you need.

Working with experienced legal counsel may enable you to build a strong defense against any domestic violence charges that you are facing. To get started building your case, call today.