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Secretos del sistema de justicia penal de Texas y sus derechos

Individuals who are facing drug charges in Dallas may feel overwhelmed and confused. Fortunately, a Dallas drug lawyer could help you understand the complex laws involved in drug cases. They will guide you through the process of defending your case.

Skilled criminal defense attorneys are familiar with how the court system works and could advise you on all your available options according to your specific circumstances. They can work with you to determine your goals and work to review and analyze the evidence the prosecution has against you. Whether a case moves to plea negotiations or trial. Therefore, skilled attorneys can help you develop the strategies necessary for a favorable outcome.

Drug Penalty Groups in Dallas

The drug laws in Dallas are can be complicated because they vary greatly. This depends upon the type and quantity of drug involved. For example, a charge for the possession of an unlawful substance is less severe than a charge for the manufacture or delivery of drugs. In Texas, different drugs are divided into “penalty groups.” The penalty groups are divided in the following manner:

  • Grupo penal 1: cocaína, metanfetamina, opiáceos y PCP
  • Grupo penal 1A: LSD y otros compuestos diversos
  • Grupo de sanciones 2: sustancias alucinógenas
  • Grupo Penal 3: estimulantes, peyote y otros compuestos que contienen codeína, barbitúricos y morfina.
  • Grupo de penalización 4: compuestos con cantidades específicas de los siguientes elementos: codeína, dihidrocodeína, etilmorfina, difenoxilato, opio, difenoxina, buprenorfina, butorfanol y pirovalerona.

Posibles sanciones por fabricación, entrega o posesión

Punishment for the manufacture or delivery of drugs listed in Penalty Groups 1 and 1-A depends upon the amount in question. The punishment can be as severe as a lifetime of imprisonment and a fine up to $250,000, according to Texas Penal Code § 481.112. Punishment for the manufacture or delivery of drugs listed in Penalty Groups 2, 3, and 4 can be up to a lifetime of imprisonment and a fine up to $100,000, according to § 481.113.

For the possession of drugs listed in Penalty Group 1. The punishment can be a lifetime of imprisonment and a fine up to $100,000, according to §481.115. Punishment for possession of drugs listed in Penalty Group 1-A is life imprisonment and a fine up to $250,000. Penalties for the possession of drugs listed in Penalty Groups 2, 3, and 4 is a lifetime of imprisonment and a fine of up to $50,000.

Arrojar dudas sobre un caso con infracciones legales

Dallas drug lawyers could advocate for you and determine if your rights were violated. This could be in previous interactions with legal authorities to bring doubt to your arrest and charge.

If there were any violations, certain evidence may not be admissible in court. Anyone accused of a crime is considered innocent until proven guilty, and the burden is on the state to prove guilt. Therefore, if the evidence that was unlawfully obtained, that evidence cannot be used against you.

Hire a Dallas Drug Attorney to Provide a Robust Defense

Therefore, if you were charged with possession, manufacture, or delivery of a drug or are facing other drug charges. You should make sure your legal rights are being protected in legal proceedings. A Dallas drug lawyer could analyze all the facts of your case to help you develop your case strategy and build a solid defense. Knowledgeable attorneys can be in your corner every step of the way. In conclusion, call for your free consultation today.