Cargos por hidromorfona (Dilaudid®) en Lubbock

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Secretos del sistema de justicia penal de Texas y sus derechos

Dilaudid® is a prescription medication known generically as hydromorphone. It is a narcotic medication that is used for moderate to severe pain relief. Like oxycodone, its potential for abuse has made some physicians in Lubbock wary of prescribing it.

A time-release version of hydromorphone proved to be dangerous when mixed with alcohol and is no longer marketed. The drug is therefore less popular with illicit users than OxyContin®, a time-release formulation of oxycodone that is abused by users who chew the tablets to defeat the drug’s time-release properties and increase the drug’s immediate impact.

Hydromorphone sold by dealers or used illicitly is usually stolen from pharmacies or clinics, obtained by using forged prescriptions, or purchased from patients who have legitimate prescriptions. Since hydromorphone has a legitimate medical use but is perceived as having a high risk of abuse and addiction, it is listed in Schedule II of the Texas Controlled Substance Schedules.

Hydromorphone Penalties

All offenses in Texas involving hydromorphone, regardless of quantity, are classified as felonies. Penalties depend upon the crime and the quantity of hydromorphone involved in the crime.

A federal sentence for distributing (or possessing with intent to distribute) hydromorphone depends upon whether the defendant has a prior drug conviction under state or federal law and whether a serious injury or death resulted from use of the distributed drug. If serious injury or death results from the distribution of hydromorphone, a mandatory minimum penalty applies.

  • Sin lesiones
    • Primer delito: Pena máxima de 20 años.
    • Segundo delito o delitos posteriores: Pena máxima de 30 años.
  • Lesiones graves o muerte:
    • Primer delito: Pena mínima de 20 años, máxima de cadena perpetua.
    • Segundo delito o posterior: Cadena perpetua como mínimo.

Therefore, the maximum penalties described above may increase substantially and different mandatory minimum penalties may apply if:

  • La droga se distribuyó a una persona menor de 21 años;
  • El fármaco se distribuyó a una mujer embarazada;
  • Se empleó a menores para ayudar a cometer el delito; o
  • Distribution occurred near a protected area.

Simple Possession Penalties

Simple possession” is the term used to describe possession of a drug for personal use, not with the intent to distribute the drug to others. The range of sentences available for simple possession of hydromorphone depends upon whether the defendant has a prior conviction for a drug offense under state or federal law.

  • Primer delito: Pena máxima de un año.
  • Segunda infracción: Pena mínima de 15 días, máxima de dos años.
  • Tercera infracción o siguientes: Sentencia mínima de 90 días, máxima de tres años.

Be Sure To Have a Lubbock Drug Lawyer Defend You

In conclusion, all narcotic offenses are taken seriously in Lubbock courts. If you are accused of a crime involving hydromorphone. Therefore,  call Texas Criminal Defense Group to discuss your case with an experienced attorney.