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Secretos del sistema de justicia penal de Texas y sus derechos

The ability of the government to deprive citizens convicted of crimes of their freedom and, by consequence. Their ability to earn a living, maintain professional licenses, preserve positive community standing, and generally lead a productive life. Is an extremely powerful thing. This reality is recognized by the fact that those accused of criminal offenses are afforded a series of essential rights. Designed to increase the likelihood that justice will be done in as many cases as possible. If you are among those currently facing accusations of criminal activity in Texas, the stakes are exceedingly high and you will want a skilled felony lawyer.

The time is now to secure aggressive defense counsel able to safeguard your rights and work hard to protect your future. An Odessa felony attorney is ready to advocate on your behalf and work toward the most positive outcome achievable in your matter. En Español.

Potential Consequences

Whether found guilty of a crime categorized as a felony or a misdemeanor, Texas Penal Code Title 3, Chapter 12 provides that convicted individuals in the state can expect to face a whole host of official sanctions ranging from imprisonment, expensive monetary fines, and loss of licenses among other penalties specific to the offense in question.
These consequences are in addition to the extensive damage a criminal conviction can have on an individual’s life once his or her debt to society has been formally paid.

Those with criminal records may find it difficult to maintain or secure new employment, they may face crippling social stigma preventing them from participation in community and family events, their professional licenses may be subject to intensive review or revocation, and custodial arrangements of minor children may be disrupted.

Clearly, there is a great deal to lose by failing to seek the help of a seasoned Odessa criminal attorney as soon as charges are lodged.

Felony Criminal Offenses

The landscape of criminal offenses in Texas is indeed vast, as is the criminal defense legal practice area. Among the areas of charges with which a seasoned attorney will have detailed familiarity are:

Available Lines of Defense

It goes without saying that in order to lessen or eliminate the potential effects of a criminal conviction. The sooner professional assistance is obtained, the greater the chances that can happen. Though many criminal defendants are gripped with a feeling of hopelessness in the aftermath of their arrest. It is important to note that numerous avenues of defense are often available.

Texas Penal Code Title 2, Chapter 8 outlines a series of general defenses of criminal responsibility which may apply in a given case. And Texas Penal Code Title 2, Chapter 9 articulates several other situational justifications for excluding a defendant from criminal responsibility.

Furthermore, a criminal, felony attorney in Odessa will investigate the facts underlying the initial arrest. And the evidence gathering procedures employed by law enforcement so that violations of the defendant’s Constitutional rights. Can be identified and raised for the purpose of preventing the state from employing the fruits of those illegal tactics.

Benefits of A Felony Attorney

When it comes to asserting your right to fairness under the law and avoiding the lasting impact of criminal conviction. Furthermore, there truly is no time to lose. An Odessa criminal lawyer is ready and willing to take up the mantle of your defense. As well as investigative, negotiation, and advocacy work required to achieve the most favorable results possible in your case.