Criminal defense firm Texas Criminal Defense Group is excited to sponsor this year’s Hub City Fest. The event will take place at the end of the first week of class at Texas Tech University. This will take place on Friday, August
24th from 7:00 – 9:00 PM. The event will be held in the R-1 parking lot of the Texas Tech Campus’ Student Union.
Get to know the Lubbock community at Hub City Fest. Where local businesses of all kinds have booths dedicated to benefiting the university student body. The event is free to the community and students of the University.
Texas Criminal Defense Group will be offering a Know Your Rights Exam at their booth. Participants can visit our website, enter their email and click the link to take the quiz directly from their phone. During the quiz they will be asked to answer 10 questions

regarding legal rights when faced with criminal charges on or off campus. All students who earn an A on their quiz will be entered into a drawing for a $500 scholarship provided by the law firm. Participants whoearn a B or higher on the quiz will be given concert tickets to Charlie B’s during the fall semester. But will not be entered in the scholarship drawing.