Intoxication Manslaughter Penalties in Texas
Nobody plans on committing intoxication manslaughter in Texas, and we are all aware that driving while impaired is a bad decision. The risks you create for yourself, and other individuals aren’t enough, the punishments for DWI in Texas are quite steep.
A basic DWI can cost you around two thousand dollars in fines and you might lose your license for one year. But, if you commit intoxication manslaughter and cause someone’s death while driving drunk, the consequences can be far worse.
Intoxication Manslaughter in Texas
Under Texas Law, Intoxication manslaughter is defined as the act of operating a motor vehicle while under the influence of alcohol or drugs, and as a result, causing the death of another person. The offense can be charged if the person was impaired to the point of not being able to safely operate a vehicle. The definition of under the influence can vary, but generally refers to the level of impairment that affects the person’s ability to safely operate a motor vehicle.
The offense is considered a serious crime in Texas, and those convicted face significant penalties including imprisonment and substantial fines. In some jurisdictions, the penalty for intoxication manslaughter may also include the loss of driving privileges, community service, and court-mandated substance abuse treatment.
Penalties for Intoxication Manslaughter
In Texas, the penalty for intoxication manslaughter is a prison sentence ranging from two to twenty years with a fine up to $10,000. Additionally, those convicted of intoxication manslaughter in Texas will lose their driving privileges for at least 180 days.
In some cases where the defendant has prior convictions for driving under the influence, the prison sentence for intoxication manslaughter can be increased to a range of 5 to 99 years in prison and a fine up to $10,000. A judge may also require the defendant to attend a drug and alcohol treatment program as a condition to their sentence.
In addition to potential punishments, a felony conviction can also make it difficult to find a job or a place to live and may even prevent you from running for public office. It is often the damage to your reputation that can be the most challenging to deal with.
However, with the right legal representation, you may be able to successfully defend yourself in court and keep your rights and freedom.
Can Intoxication Manslaughter Cases be Beaten
There are several ways to challenge intoxication manslaughter charges in Texas, including the following:
- Questioning the legality of the stop or arrest: A defense attorney may argue that the stop or arrest was not legally justified and therefore any evidence obtained during the stop or arrest cannot be used against the defendant in court.
- Challenging the accuracy of field sobriety tests: Field sobriety tests are subjective and can be influenced by many factors. Such as, the individual’s physical condition or the test administrators training and methods. Our defense attorney may argue that the results of the field sobriety tests were unreliable or inaccurate.
- Challenging the accuracy of chemical testing: Chemical testing, such as blood or breath tests, can be subject to human error and technical malfunctions. Our defense attorneys may argue that the results of the chemical testing were inaccurate or contaminated, therefore cannot be used as evidence against the defendant.
Can Intoxication Manslaughter Cases be Beaten (Continued)
- Demonstrating that the Defendant was not actually under the influence: To be convicted of intoxication manslaughter, the prosecution must prove that the defendant was under the influence of alcohol or drugs at the time of the incident. Our defense attorneys may argue that the defendant was not actually under the influence, but instead suffering from a medical condition or taking prescription medication that affected their ability to operate a motor vehicle.
- Challenging the cause of the victim’s death: To be convicted of intoxication manslaughter, the prosecution must prove that the defendant’s actions were the direct cause of the victim’s death. Our defense attorney’s may argue that the victim’s death was caused by another factor, such as a medical condition or an accident that was not related to the defendant’s actions.
It’s important to note that each case is unique, and the strategies uses to challenge intoxication manslaughter charges may vary depending on the facts and circumstances of the case. Our skilled attorneys at Texas Criminal Defense Group can help evaluate the strengths and weaknesses of the case and develop a strategy to challenge the charges and protect the rights of the defendant.
Arrested? Don’t Plea, Call Me!
The consequences of driving under the influence of alcohol are too severe to ignore. Instead of thinking about the legal penalties, people should be looking for the most qualified attorney to help them with their case.
If you live in Lubbock County, Potter County, Randall County, Dallas County, Denton County, Midland County or Tarrant County, contact our law firm Texas Criminal Defense Group today for a review of your intoxication manslaughter case. We are the Defense Attorneys you want on your side, with experience in manslaughter cases. Intoxication manslaughter penalties and punishments are serious, and with that seriousness you need a legal team that will fight for protecting your rights.