

Aggravated Robbery in Texas: Legal Insight

Dealing with a robbery charge in Texas is a serious matter. It is a mix of theft and assault offenses, making it even worse or aggravated. Because it’s a 3G offense, it’s not likely the judge will give probation.

But here’s the thing: sometimes a regular robbery charge can turn into aggravated robbery in Texas, and that brings even tougher penalties. To tackle this, it’s helpful to understand the factors that turn a basic robbery into an aggravated one. Additional, it’s crucial to grasp the potential consequences if you’re convicted of aggravated robbery. This way, if you’re facing these charges, you can figure out the best way to deal with them.

Texas Statute on Aggravated Robbery

Texas Law discusses Aggravated Robbery in Penal Code Section §29.03, which outlines the following:

(1) causes serious bodily injury to another;

(2) uses or exhibits a deadly weapon; or

(3) causes bodily injury to another person or threatens or places another person in fear of imminent bodily injury or death, if the other person is:

(A) 65 years of age or older; or

(B) a disabled person.

Aggravated Robbery Simplified

Aggravated robbery with a deadly weapon means using or showing a dangerous item while stealing things. The weapon is often a gun or a knife, but in Texas, they say it can be anything that can seriously hurt someone.

It’s important to know that someone found guilty of aggravated robbery needs to serve at least half of their prison sentence before they can apply for parole.

Difference Between Simple and Aggravated Robbery

Robbery and aggravated robbery are both types of theft crimes, but they’re different when it comes to how serious they are and the use of force.

Simple robbery is when someone takes things from another person by using force or by threatening to hurt them. It can happen in different ways, like grabbing a purse or snatching a wallet.

On the other hand, robbery with aggravation is more severe. This occurs when someone uses a dangerous item or threatens to seriously hurt someone while stealing. Armed robbery is considered a felony, which means you could face tougher consequences such as longer time in prison, hefty fines, and other legal issues.

Both robbery and aggravated robbery are serious offenses, and it’s important to handle them quickly and effectively to keep the public safe and secure.

Types of Aggravated Robbery 

Armed Robbery

  • It turns into aggravated or armed when the robber has a weapon. A deadly weapon isn’t just a gun; it’s anything that could seriously hurt or even kill someone.

Home Invasion

  • Typically refers to the criminal act of burglary that occurs when a person unlawfully enters someone’s home with the intent to commit a crime, such as theft or assault.

Penalties for Robberies in Texas

A second-degree crime is defined as simple robbery. In the event of a conviction, individuals may receive a prison sentence ranging from two to 20 years and a potential fine of up to $10,000.

Now, if the charge goes up if you committed an aggravated robbery, involving a first-degree felony charge, which means facing five to 99 years behind bars and a fine of up to $10,000.

Factors Influencing the Length of Imprisonment

A first-degree felony can lead to a long prison term. Things can impact how long this period lasts including:

  • Using a deadly weapon
  • Causing serious bodily harm
  • Injuring a person aged 65 or older
  • Injuring a person with a disability
  • Threatening a person with a disability with injury and/or death

Arrested? Don’t Plea, Call Me!

The complexities of being charged with aggravated robbery charges in Texas necessitate the expertise of a criminal defense attorney. An experienced criminal defense attorney does a lot – from figuring out legal proceedings to creating a personalized defense plan.

They really come through in a big way, making sure that the rights and interests of people dealing with serious criminal record are well taken care of. If you get arrested, it’s important to find a lawyer. This will help make sure you have a fair trial.