

What are 3G Offenses in Texas?

In the complex realm of Texas 3G offenses, having the right information is crucial. Knowing how serious these offenses are, what kind of trouble they can bring, and the best ways to defend yourself can really matter.

If you or someone you know is facing a 3G offense, it’s important to seek legal advice without delay. Having a skilled defense team on your side can help you tackle the problems directly and aim for the best result in your case.

What is a 3G offense?

Some felony crimes in Texas fall under the category of “3G” offenses. These are special kinds of felony crimes where you have to spend at least half of your prison time before you can apply for parole.

In Texas, people often say “3G” to show that a crime is taken very seriously, but it has a specific definition in the law. The term “3G” comes from a part of the Texas Code of Criminal Procedure, specifically in Section 42.12, under Subsection 3G.

Yet, on September 1, 2017, the Code underwent restructuring, and the content previously in 42.12(3)(g) is now located in Article 42A.054 of the Texas Code of Criminal Procedure. Despite this shift, the term “3G offense” remains commonly used today.

List of 3G Offenses in Texas

Murder – (Texas Penal Code § 19.02)

Capital Murder – (Texas Penal Code § 19.03)

Indecency With A Child – (Penal Code 21.11(a)(1))

Aggravated Kidnapping – (Penal Code 20.04)

Human Trafficking- (Texas Penal Code § 20A.02)

Aggravated Sexual Assault – (Texas Penal Code § 22.021)

Sexual Assault – (Texas Penal Code § 22.011)

Aggravated Robbery – (Texas Penal Code § 29.03)

Burglary of Habitation – (Texas Penal Code § 30.02(D))

First Degree Injury to a Child – (Texas Penal Code § 22.04(A)(1))

Sexual Performance – (Texas Penal Code § 43.25)

Compelling Prostitution – (Texas Penal Code § 43.05)

Drug Offenses – (Texas Health and Safety Code § 481.134)

Lastly, any felony where a deadly weapon was used or exhibited during the commission of the crime – (Texas Penal Code § 01.07)

How 3G Offenses Differ From Other Felonies

Certain severe crimes in Texas fall under the category of “3G” offenses. Consequently, this leads to harsh consequences upon conviction.

Probation Eligibility

If you’re charged with a 3G offense in Texas after a jury trial, the judge cannot grant probation directly.

The court is prohibited from accepting a plea deal for straight probation. However, a plea deal for deferred adjudication is an option if the potential sentence is under 10 years. Quick note: Straight probation involves an immediate guilty plea, while deferred adjudication lets the judge delay the guilty finding. Follow the rules for deferred adjudication, and the case is dismissed; break the rules, and the court finds you guilty with the agreed-upon sentence.

Parole Rules

If you’re declared guilty of a 3G offense in Texas, getting parole isn’t a straightforward process. You have to follow strict rules. For certain serious 3G crimes, you must spend at least half of your prison sentence (that’s a minimum of two years) before you can even ask for parole eligibility. It’s a tough condition that shows how serious these offenses are in the eyes of Texas law.

If someone is convicted of a 3G offense and gets a 3-year prison sentence, they can’t ask for parole until at least 2 years have gone by. For a 70-year sentence, parole eligibility kicks in after serving 30 years.

Arrested? Don’t Plea, Call Me!

With 3G offenses in Texas carrying strict limitations on probation, plea deals, and eligibility for parole, having a legal advocate is essential. Additionally, a skilled attorney ensures your rights are protected, guiding you through the legal complexities for the best possible case outcome.

The extensive list of 3G offenses includes serious crimes like murder, sexual assault, and drug offenses. Consequently, these offenses come with severe consequences and challenging legal terrain. A criminal defense attorney becomes your ally, offering support and expertise. They provide a dedicated defense in navigating the complexities of the Texas legal system.

If convicted with 3G offense , a criminal defense attorney is not just an option but a vital necessity. Their expertise can have a significant impact on steering your case toward a favorable resolution. Consequently, this provides hope in what might seem like a daunting legal journey.