The Law on Child Abuse and Neglect in Texas

Texas, like all other US states, is equipped with laws to protect children from abuse and neglect, both civil and criminal. These laws also aim to hold perpetrators accountable for their actions or omissions that harm a child’s well-being. Despite strong state and federal laws, child abuse and neglect remain common in recent years. In […]
Threats and Its Consequences in Texas Law

Freedom of speech is a foundational principle deeply ingrained in the legal heritage of the United States. It’s important to know that “free speech” doesn’t mean people can say anything without consequences or responsibility. Threatening to harm a person or organization is a crime under the Texas Penal Code. While freedom of expression is one […]
Self-Defense: Understanding Your Rights in Texas

In our fast-paced world, knowing how to protect yourself and others is a critical skill. Fortunately, Texas law recognizes the importance of self-defense and allows individuals to use force when faced with imminent threats. Understanding self-defense laws is important for protecting your rights effectively, as cases of attempted use of unlawful force happen regularly. This […]
What Constitutes Assault against a Family Member?

Under Texas law, assaulting a family member is a criminal offense. This happens when a person knowingly, or recklessly causes harm to a family member. Any physical contact that is deemed “offensive or provocative” can be considered assault, as well as threatening to physically harm someone. Research conducted in 2011 at the University of Texas […]
Intoxication Manslaughter Penalties in Texas

Nobody plans on committing intoxication manslaughter in Texas, and we are all aware that driving while impaired is a bad decision. The risks you create for yourself, and other individuals aren’t enough, the punishments for DWI in Texas are quite steep. A basic DWI can cost you around two thousand dollars in fines and you […]
Human Trafficking in Texas

Texas Penal Code Chapter 20A.02 governs the significant issue of human trafficking, also known as modern slavery. It threatens security and human rights. Exploiting individuals through forced labor and commercial sex not only profits traffickers but also harms victims and communities. With a global estimate of approximately 27.6 million victims worldwide, it’s a widespread issue […]
Hate Crime: Enhancement of Punishment

Hate crimes are on the rise in the United States, reaching record highs in more than a decade. Every day, people are targeted with violence because of their identity, like their race, religion, color, or sexual orientation. These terrible acts are committed because of bias or prejudice and not only hurt individuals but also harm […]
What is the Nature of a Domestic Assault in Texas?

Under Texas law, domestic assault means violence or threats against a family or household member. The term “family or household member” typically includes various types of relationships, like spouses (current or former), parents, children, individuals in a dating relationship, and people who have lived together in the same household, either presently or in the past. […]
Exploring Drug-Related DWI Charge

When it comes to Driving While Intoxicated (DWI) in Texas, most minds jump to alcohol, but here’s the scoop: in Texas, driving under the influence of drugs or marijuana can land you in hot water too. If you’re cruising a boat or operating a motor vehicle under the influence of drugs or controlled substances, you […]
The Difference Between Self-Defense and Assault

Determining whether a physical altercation is self-defense or assault can be challenging. Knowing when you’ve crossed the line in defending yourself or others is not easy. And unfortunately, there are times when physical violence is unavoidable. If someone physically attacks you, you have the right to defend yourself legally. But it’s important to understand that […]