What is the Nature of a Domestic Assault in Texas?
Under Texas law, domestic assault means violence or threats against a family or household member.
The term “family or household member” typically includes various types of relationships, like spouses (current or former), parents, children, individuals in a dating relationship, and people who have lived together in the same household, either presently or in the past.
Domestic assault refers to the act of causing bodily harm to a family or household member with the intention, knowledge, or recklessness. It can also involve making threats of imminent bodily harm to a family member or household member with the intention or knowledge.
Possible Criminal Charges for Domestic Assault
The penalties for domestic assault vary depending on the specific charges and the defendant’s criminal history. Misdemeanor domestic assault convictions can result in fines, probation, mandatory counseling, community service, or up to one year in county jail. Felony domestic assault convictions can lead to more substantial fines and prison sentences.
Here are some additional important points to consider regarding domestic assault in Texas:
- Physical contact is not a prerequisite for victims to report domestic assault incidents.
- A first-time offense without physical injury or lasting harm constitutes a Class C misdemeanor. This offense can result in a $500 fine as punishment.
- If someone causes a small injury or pain, such as a slap, authorities can charge them with a Class A misdemeanor. The severity of these charges can lead to up to one year of imprisonment and fines up to $4,000.
- If a person chokes someone, even as a first-time offense, they can face a charge of a third-degree felony. This offense carries a potential sentence of 2 to 10 years in a Texas prison.
- Defendants with prior arrests or convictions will face an upgraded charge of a third-degree felony. This charge includes higher fines and a maximum sentence of 10 years in prison.
Protective Orders
In cases of domestic assault, the victim can seek a protective order, also known as a restraining order or a protective order. This order can provide legal protection by prohibiting the offender from contacting or approaching the victim.
Mandatory Arrest
Sometimes, Texas law says police must arrest if they think domestic violence happened and have good reason to believe so. The intention behind this mandatory arrest provision is to enhance victim safety.
To be considered threatening or violent in Texas, assault in domestic violence cases must meet certain criteria.
Domestic violence is defined as either physically assaulting someone or making threats of bodily harm against individuals who meet the specified relationship statuses. Physical contact is not necessarily required for an act to be considered domestic violence.
In the case of a first-time conviction, defendants may face penalties and fines, typically classified as a Class A misdemeanor. However, individuals with prior convictions may face more severe consequences, such as being charged with a third-degree felony, as outlined in the domestic violence statutes of Texas.
Statute of Limitations
In Texas, the standard timeframe for reporting a domestic violence case is usually three years. Nevertheless, if there is insufficient evidence, it might be challenging to pursue legal action, and the perpetrator may not face prosecution.
Here are some types of evidence that can strengthen your case:
- Maintaining a record of abuse, such as by saving text messages or emails that demonstrate the occurrence of abuse,.
- Taking photographs of physical marks or other indications of mistreatment.
- Gathering statements from eyewitnesses who can testify to the occurrence of the domestic violence incidents.
- Voice recordings obtained for court use are only valuable if the defendant was aware of being recorded.
Arrested? Don’t Plea, Call Me!
If you are accused of a crime, it’s really important to find a good lawyer who knows about criminal law. They can help you by giving you advice, telling you what to do, and representing you during the legal process.
We are an experienced criminal defense law firm. We can analyze the specifics of your case, investigate the accusations against you, and formulate a strong defense strategy.
If a person is found guilty of indecent exposure, they may face several potential consequences. These include going to jail, paying fines, and other penalties. We will do our best to make sure the charges won’t hurt your life or future too much.