Texas Criminal Defense Group Testimonials

Montgomery, Texas

“We were just lost in the woods and didn’t know where to turn.” Roger and his family found clarity and confidence with a team that guided them every step of the way. “Hiring you guys put our mind completely at ease.” With their persistence, his case was ultimately dismissed.


Roger: “We were just lost in the woods, really, and didn’t know where to turn to and kind of unsettled about what direction this whole thing could go.”


Roger: “Shari got a booklet in the mail and once she read through that she said that these people, they know their stuff. I don’t think that we would have got the case dismissed if we didn’t have your firm and particularly garret on our side.”


Roger: “He really took it like a bulldog and wrestled this thing to the ground and ended all up obviously. This took a while to get through and so I think the whole staff down there was very accessible and able to answer our questions. Hiring you guys put our mind”


Roger: “completely at ease. You guys are extremely knowledgeable about the current laws in this case very up to speed on relevant cases to compare this to, once we figure out the strategy, where we were going this thing. He wasn’t going to stop until we got this thing cleared up.”