Domestic Violence Strangulation in Texas

Domestic assault charges is a serious offense in Texas. It is defined as an act of violence or abuse committed against a family or household member. This can include physical violence, sexual abuse, emotional abuse, or threats of violence. Under Texas law, domestic violence case is considered a criminal offense and can result in serious […]
Open Container Laws in Texas

In Texas, an open container refers to any container with alcohol that is not tightly sealed. This includes containers like bottles, cans, flasks, thermoses, and Yeti cups that were previously opened but still have caps. To be more specific, if a bottle of wine is half-empty or a can of beer is already opened, then […]
Penalties for a Hit & Run in Texas

A hit-and-run in Texas is considered a criminal act. Under Texas law, a hit and run occur when a driver involved in a motor vehicle accident fails to stop and provide their contact and insurance information to the other driver(s) or leave a note with the same information at the scene of the accident. If […]
Solicitation Of Prostitution In Texas

In Texas, the solicitation of prostitution is a criminal offense. This is called “paying for sex” It involves offering or agreeing to pay a fee in exchange for sexual conduct. The offense involves asking someone for sexual services in exchange for money or other forms of payment. This request can be made directly or indirectly. […]
Aggravated Sexual Assault in Texas

Aggravated Sexual Assault inflicts lasting damage, especially psychologically, often trapping victims in mental anguish. The emotional wounds can be more severe than physical injuries, with recovery taking time. These wrongdoings have long-lasting effects, recorded forever in records and systems. This could lead to penalties such as paying fines, being sent to jail, and dealing with […]
DWI with a Child Passenger

Driving While Intoxicated (DWI) in Texas can have severe consequences including imprisonment, financial penalties, and other unfavorable outcomes. Charges and convictions of DWI with a minor present in the vehicle can result in severe penalties and repercussions. In Texas, depending on the specific circumstances, a DWI with a child passenger can lead to additional charges […]
Aggravated Domestic Violence in Texas

Understanding Aggravated Domestic Violence is crucial for those facing serious charges in Texas criminal law. Unlike simple domestic violence cases, Aggravated Domestic Violence involves specific factors that heighten the severity of the charges. This includes the use of weapons or deadly instruments and inflicting serious physical abuse upon the victim. Furthermore, it also includes violating […]
Threatening with A Deadly Weapon in Texas

In Texas, threatening someone with a deadly weapon is a serious legal matter. Understanding the law in this regard is crucial. This article will break down the essentials, from what qualifies as a deadly weapon to the potential consequences. Police officers and law enforcement officers can display weapons in Texas, but civilians may not always […]
Legal Implications of Kidnapping in Texas

In Texas’ vast landscape, where major cities and remote towns coexist, the threat of crime appears large at times. Kidnapping, a deeply disturbing and serious crime, is one such threat that has made its presence known in Texas over time. It is a serious criminal act that includes the intentional and unlawful restraint, transfer, or […]
GPS Monitoring Devices May Be Violating Fourth Amendment Rights

One sentencing option which helps avoid jail time for defendants who have been found guilty is the use of electronic monitoring. Instead of sending a person to jail, the courts instead impose a “house arrest” whereby the defendant must abide by certain terms set by the court. This type of sentence may enable the defendant […]