Prosecutors in Texas take drug offenses very seriously. Someone who is busted for drugs in this state is going to be facing significant consequences. A person who commits a drug offense could be looking at expensive fines and possible jail time. Lessening penalties in Lubbock drug cases is a difficult task, which is why you should contact an experienced lawyer if you have been arrested for drugs. A seasoned attorney could assist you by building a defense while also keeping your best interests in mind.
There are many ways a lawyer can be helpful for the defendant. An attorney is going to begin a full investigation of the case right after the drug arrest. This is why it is crucial for the defendant to hire the lawyer best for their case. After a drug arrest, the defendant should hire an accomplished attorney whose practice is solely criminal law.
An experienced attorney in Lubbock is going to have their own in-house retired Texas Department of Public Safety proofer who acts as their investigator. The investigator is available for any case that the lawyers need him for. He is going to have over 30 years of experience with making traffic stops, making arrests, and dealing with drug and alcohol issues. The investigator is going to look at the case from the standpoint of law enforcement and give the defendant’s lawyer advice on how to build a defense.
Drug Rehabilitation
An attorney can also tailor the offense for the specific defendant. If this is the individual’s first offense, maybe they are struggling with drugs and they made a mistake. A lawyer can help shine a positive light on the defendant by showing the letters of recommendation and letters of referral that the defendant has received that can show rehabilitation.
Getting the defendant the necessary rehabilitation is not only helpful for their case but could also help them turn their life around. Showing the prosecutors that the defendant has completed rehab is an important step towards lessening penalties in Lubbock drug cases. Lawyers are always going to keep the defendant’s best interest in mind so they are able to move forward from the drug arrest.
Gathering Facts of the Drug Case
Besides mitigation, a well-trained lawyer is going to work on gathering the facts of the case. If the officer’s reason for the traffic stop does not comply with the law. Then it may not matter what the police found in the vehicle. This is also true with the police making an illegal search and seizure of drugs without a search warrant.
Every time an attorney has a drug case, they are going to retrieve the lab reports. A professional lawyer never enters into an agreement with the government on any type of resolution of the case until they have the lab results. There are many times when then lab test does not come back as an illegal or controlled substance. Although the law enforcement may think they found cocaine, it could be sugar or powder. Many lawyers have handled cases where the lab has switched the drugs.
There are many issues with dealing with the lab itself. Labs in Texas are overworked, so they do not test all the drugs when someone is arrested. If there are 17 grams of cocaine, they may test a portion of it and then assume that the rest is also drugs. The attorney could attack that falsified claim in court.
Contact an Experienced Lawyer Today
If you are facing drug charges, you need a good review and investigation of the case from legal counsel. An experienced lawyer is going to provide the best opportunity for lessening penalties in Lubbock drug cases. You should call today to get started on your case.
Lubbock Drug Penalties
- Financial Penalties of a Drug Conviction in Lubbock
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- Lubbock Drug Penalty Group 3
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- Lessening Penalties in Lubbock Drug Cases