When someone is going to be accused of a cybercrime, an individual should keep records of any texts or emails sent to them which may prove the case. Further, if there is anything on social media, or left in voicemails, those should be kept and collected as well. With electronic evidence and online records, one problem that occurs when that evidence is collected is their completeness. Sometimes, when the prosecutor turns over online records evidence is missing. This almost always occurs when the other party deleted the conversation that took place.
Further, it is not always true that only one person is doing the cyberbullying. It may be two people who are very upset with each other, both posting content that can be considered under the realm of cyberbullying. Sometimes, the prosecutor may receive only the negative things that one party said to the other, with the other party’s content completely missing. Other occurances of evidence injustice occur when things only above or below the post containing the cyberbullying are reported to authorities. A Lubbock student cyberbullying attorney can help to ensure that all evidence collected is used to the benefit of their client.