How Can I Be Charged with Underage Drinking?

In Texas, minors and alcohol don’t go together according to the law. Minors are forbidden in Texas from purchasing, attempting to acquire, using, or possessing alcohol. Texas has a number of regulations that target minors who consume alcohol. A minor is defined as someone under 21 years of age under the Texas Alcoholic Beverage Code. […]
Different Types of Family Violence

In Texas, the Family Code lays out what family violence means. It’s when someone in a family or household tries to hurt another person, either by physical actions or making them scared of getting hurt. The law doesn’t count as normal discipline for a child. Abuse, according to the law, can be physical harm that […]
Taking Part in the Texas Riot

Recently, Texas has been facing challenges, experiencing riots in various parts of the state. You know, protests are cool—they’re protected by the Constitution and all that, expressing free speech and expressing themselves freely. But some of these things have gone south, landing people in hot water with criminal charges. This blog aims to discuss criminal […]
Public Intoxication Law in Texas

Participating in disorderly and visibly drunk behavior within a public setting qualifies as public intoxication. Most states make it a crime to ensure public spaces are peaceful and safe, preventing any unintentional harm caused by individuals. In Texas, you can drink alcohol in public. However, you should be aware that police officers can intervene and […]
Domestic Assault: A Continuous Violence

Continuous violence against the family is a legal term that denotes a series of criminal acts committed against family or household members. These acts can manifest in various forms, from physical violence to emotional abuse, creating a pattern that the Texas legal system takes very seriously. Family violence takes many forms, from domestic abuse and […]
Hate Crime: Enhancement of Punishment

Hate crimes are on the rise in the United States, reaching record highs in more than a decade. Every day, people are targeted with violence because of their identity, like their race, religion, color, or sexual orientation. These terrible acts are committed because of bias or prejudice and not only hurt individuals but also harm […]
Engaging in Organized Criminal Activity

Getting engaged in organized criminal activity is a unique kind of criminal charge. What distinguishes it is that society does not consider it a crime on its own. Instead, it makes other charges more serious. It sort of rides along with other crimes, making their penalties harsher. If it’s mentioned in a criminal case, the […]
False Report to a Peace Officer

In Texas, making a false report to a peace officer is not just a matter of words—it’s a legal offense with significant consequences. Let’s take a closer look at the details in Texas Penal Code Section 37.08 and understand the possible charges, penalties, and long-term effects people might deal with if they’re accused of this […]
Warning Signs and Barricades on Texas Roads

In Texas, safety on our roads is a top concern. Whether you’re driving through bustling cities or serene countryside, one thing remains clear: warning signs and barricades are essential. They’re not just there for decoration; they serve a vital purpose in keeping everyone safe. These safety measures aren’t arbitrary; they’re required by Texas law. They […]
Lane-Splitting: Navigating Motorcycle Laws

The State of Texas places utmost importance on the safety and well-being of citizens that use its roads. As such, there are robust laws on the proper conduct of motorists while driving. However, Texas traffic laws do not define some of these conducts. Lane-splitting, a technique commonly used by motorcycle riders, is one of those […]