When an instance of child abuse is reported, the same types of things happen under just domestic violence, generally. All kinds of duties are going to fall onto different people. One of those is a duty to report the case. There is actually a criminal penalty if someone is aware that child abuse is happening and they do not report it. Reporting is also mandated for people like teachers and principals.
The duties that a police officer has when it comes to a domestic violence situation fall under investigations. It is protecting the accuser, making that report, reporting it DPS, reporting it to Family Services, and reporting it to the DA. All of this happens with a regular assault in domestic violence and Lubbock child abuse lawyers have seen similar cases go to trial with expected consequences.
When a child is involved, the issue of the welfare of the child is very specific. Spousal assault might trigger some kind of an investigation in finding about the best interest of the child, but when the abuse is allegedly against a child, it definitely will. There is no discretion. A person is going to find themselves in danger of losing their rights at some level all the way to complete rights to be around that child.